Friday, January 4, 2013

A new year. I don't think I've ever needed one so badly. Even as I write this, I have Lewis yelling from his room, "I'M NOT SLEEPING!", and I know I should let him get up but - not yet. His naps have all but disintegrated, yet every once in awhile he'll surprise me with a dynamite, three-hour one. We've even gone outside the last couple of days, which I thought would help. It's helped me, anyway, so I'm going to try to keep it up. It may take us half an hour to get ready for an equal or lesser amount of time outside, but it's still worth it. Yesterday we snuck to the front during Marilyn's nap. Lew wouldn't walk with me, so I had him play with a truck in the yard while I ran back and forth on the street in front of him. That worked for about three minutes, but it still felt good.

Marilyn is growing like wildfire. Five and a half months already, just about. I've become obsessed with getting her to learn to sleep, but I'm not sure how to do it with Lewis in the house. I'm a "cry-it-out" person (when the time is right, which it is soon - ), and it took Lewis two to three nights. Marilyn, though? I don't know. But what I do know is that I cannot, for much longer, get up three times a night. I am beyond exhausted.

Well, it's a good thing Lewis has let me know that he's not sleeping, because I certainly cannot imagine how I otherwise would have known. :) Until next time.


Unknown said...

Oh, my gosh. She is getting so big! You're kids are so so adorable. I wish I could hang out with them.

I don't have any advice about sleepies. I'm still waking up with Lola. I can't figure out what she needs, but I'm assuming she's too warm under the blankets. I'm bewildered by the science of baby blanketing.

Tara said...

I'm a cry it out person too, Good luck! I am glad I will be get to be reading more of your blog again!

Anonymous said...

Laurie..i've been catching up on your blog. Love these posts :)

LoieJ said...

The getting up at night part is the worst. And I became depressed from lack of sleep. The girls did that to me. My boy was a sleep champ. He still wore me out during the days.