Thursday, September 20, 2012

We have had a busy week! Lew is into everything, and I know that's healthy but it's wearing me out! Our trip to Lueken's will probably be the highlight, and I'm sure I don't have to record it here to remember it but just in case...! (That's why I'm getting back to my blog - to keep a journal of this time I have at home. - It's going so fast!)

Basically, the trip to Lueken's was a nightmare and we're lucky we made it. ! I wasn't thinking ahead to the two busy roads we'd have to cross while Lew was on his bike. I had to carry the bike, hold a struggling Lew's hand, make sure Marilyn was secure in her carrier, and - on the way back - handle the weight of food in my backpack and the WAY TOO LONG shoulder bag that kept knocking against my shin.... as I'm hurrying across the road with Lew, who's screaming "My turn! My turn to ride my biiiiiiike!"
Dear Lord. But, we made it and I learned a few good lessons and - we got lots of exercise. Lew took one of his longest naps ever :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hah! I feel your pain!