Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Today was my last day of work for awhile. I am so much in need of rejuvination, and I feel like now is my best chance to make some positive changes. Including...getting back to writing on this blog. Writing in general. I hardly do it anymore, and certainly not creatively.

Anyway. I was just looking at pictures and some new videos I finally uploaded, and....I lost my train of thought.

Lewis had an ear infection in each year last week, and that plus teething plus a bad diaper rash made him such a grumpy baby. (Well, I guess it's no wonder.) He's been so happy for the last few days, though, it's fantastic. So fun to see him laughing and curious again and not just throwing his whole body down hard on the floor and crying, and then whining.

Here's a picture of Lew with his gloves and then a video from tonight, before his bath.


Anonymous said...

OMG! So precious, Laur!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie-pie he is, Laur! Getting more adorable every day!!

Andrea said...

He's a cutie! Enjoy some R and R. I am very much in need of rejuvenation and renewal as well...hoping summer will provide it!


Tara said...

FYI for the future.. the best diaper creams for horrible butt rash, Aveeno and for the worst of the worst, Triple Paste, available at walmart. It's like 15 dollars for a smaller than usual tube, but it cured Hunter's incurable rash once!!